We carefully select the products we offer to bring you a robust range of premium options. Our passion for quality cannabis doesn’t stop there.
Our skillful Budtenders understand the ins and outs of every product and strain, and they’re happy to answer questions and give personalized guidance based on individual needs and preferences of our customers.
Key Cannabis Dispensaries are the retail arm of Elevate Cannabis.
Established in 2021, Elevate Cannabis is a leading producer of cannabis flower, extracts, and edibles. Rooted in the Kansas City area, Elevate is expanding its footprint throughout Missouri and Arizona. Elevate Cannabis is on a mission to take cannabis to new heights through relentless scientific innovation.
For many, cannabis is the key to healing, better sleep, relief, and so much more. For others, it’s the key to a better night out (or a relaxing day in), to creativity and community. At Key Cannabis, it’s our goal to help people find the products to unlock the very best experiences.
With a Rewards Program that offers cash back, special deals, and products at every price point, Key Cannabis is on a mission to bring flower (and edibles, and extracts) to the people.
Wherever a Key Cannabis opens its doors, we become part of the surrounding community. Local outreach projects give us a way to connect with our neighbors and offer support where it’s needed.
Each of our dispensaries is given a monthly stipend to spend on charitable endeavors and we’re proud to be involved in outreach programs, including fundraisers for animal shelters, clothing and food drives, and more.
Why the redirect? Elevate Dispensaries have a new name and website.
Key Cannabis Dispensaries are everything you loved about Elevate Dispensaries, but with a wider selection, streamlined wait times, exclusive specials, and more. Continue to Key Cannabis to see for yourself.
Before we open our virtual doors, we have to ask: